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River pollution is a problem in many places in the world. In Medellín-Colombia, the pollution in Medellín river is very high, this river passes through ten municipalities and goes over 75 Km, but in a big part of the river it looks sick and smells really bad, that pollution is generated by people irresponsibility and industry wastes.
One Solution for the Pollution in Medellín River searches to clean the river by using information and technology. Our idea is to select the most affected zones with the help of Big Data and, with this information, to install a line of machines with collectors of trash and with cleaners. Also, to do this, we need people to stop throwing trash, the industries to stop throwing their wastes to the environment, so it is necessary to raise awareness and we plan to do it by implementing a campaign.
It  is very important to clean the river because this affects the health of the citizens, mainly those who live very close to this.

We hope to clean the river at least partially, give to the city a better appearance and improve the health conditions of inhabitants of Valle de Aburrá.
Resultado de imagen para rio medellin

-Ana Agudelo and Juan Diego Gómez


  1. (The) River pollution is a problem in a big part of the world. In Medellín-Colombia the pollution is very high, this river passes through ten minucipalities and goES over 75 Km, but in a big part of river it lookS sick and smells really bad, that is generated by people and industry wastes.
    One Solution for the Pollution in Medellín River searchES TO clean the river BY using information and (the) techNOLOGY(;). Our idea is TO SELECT the most affected zones with the help of Big Data and, with this information, TO INSTALL (put) a line of machines with collectors of trash and with cleaners. Also, to this, we need (that the) people TO stop throwING trash, the industries TO stop throwING their(s) wastes to the environment, so IT is necessary to raise awareness AND WE PLAN TO DO IT by aN IMPLEMENTATION OF A campaign.
    IT Is very important TO clean the river because this affectS the health of the citizenS, mainly those who live very close to this.
    We hope TO clean the river at least partially, give(s) to the city a better appEareance and improve THE healtH conditions of inhabitants of Valle de Aburrá.

    GOOD WRITING! IT IS POSSIBLE TO SEE YOU IN THIS TEXT :) please, make the corrections and post it again!
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